In this digital age a lot of professionals believe that connecting with potential clients is all about having a huge presence online, having the most high-tech CRM and lead generation tools, and automating outreach as much as possible. Being available through call, text, email, zoom, social media... and being available at all hours of the day.
This status quo in the digital age of having followers, likes, and subscribers is just trending, so to speak. The digital age is here, and it's here to stay, but with it's arrival we have forgotten about the human connection. The true professional, client connection. Being able to connect with your potential clients as a fellow person will always go farther than posting 7 days a week or splurging on an AI to make sure you never miss a text. A human touch will go farther than any automated email campaign or smart plan can.
At Dream Weaver Enterprises that's what we're all about, human connection. Creating client connections that span generations is our goal for our agents, and that begins with authentically connecting with them on your behalf.