Exclusive Services
Your personal database manager will have a unique phone number and voicemail greeting for your business. You will receive weekly progress reports with usable data and call logs are available for your reference.
Lead Outreach and Nurturing
If a lead takes years of nurturing, we won't stop building that connection until they sign with you. Keeping detailed notes and logs outlining lead progression is a must for us and you, so we ensure that this is completed and sent to you weekly. We never give up on leads, no matter how old or hard to track down they may be.
CRM Organization
Organizing and streamlining your CRM is one of the most effective ways to build your business. Our database managers are trained in creating systems that ensure no lead is ever lost. We are able to create HTML email templates, smart plans, newsletters and more in order to create a more hands-off lead outreach system for you, that still has a personal touch.
Skip Tracing and Prospecting
Many leads come in without valid contact information, or none at all. Our database managers are prepared for this. With exceptional skip tracing tools and in-depth employee training we ensure you never miss out on a connection due to a mistyped phone number or email address. Our skip tracing tools also allow us to prospect for new clients in "hot" areas on your behalf.
CMA Completion
Our database managers are well versed in comparative market analysis reports. We utilize a service that is branded specifically for your business which sends out monthly report updates. Not only will you have your CMA to-do list taken off of your plate, you'll also build name recognition with your potential clients.